THE PEGLEG PODCAST: Parables for the Soul
Sometimes the answers to our biggest questions are not found in explanations, but in good stories.
THE PEGLEG PODCAST: Parables for the Soul
Ep 24 - Ava's Joy: A story about joy in the middle of suffering
Greg Marshall
Season 1
Episode 24
Ava is full of joy. She says the trajectory of her life is happiness. But why is that true when she suffers so much?
When Ava was 13 years old she was forced to make a choice between living with extreme chronic pain for the rest of her life or to have her nerves severed to end the pain which would cause her to lose all feeling. Imagine being faced with that decision. And that's just scratching the surface of this 19 year old's struggle.
So why is she happy? Where does her joy come from? And how can the rest of us find it? That's what we discussed.